“Three young men are trying to revive 550years old manuscripts”
Rajasthan patrika | 23 june 2018
In the News
The keeper of the scrolls |
Mohit Bhardwaj, a former information technology professional, has taken up the back-breaking task of scanning and digitizing thousands upon thousands of some of India’s most ancient manuscripts.
revival of an extinct tradition
The story of the revival of RigVed’s Śaṅkhāyana Shakha, an ancient tradition that was believed to be extinct, is the story of honest and untiring efforts. When four years ago three young men discovered that it still survives in a small town in Rajasthan, with only two people alive who know it, they made the revival as their life mission.
550 year old manuscripts will be revived
The Shankhāyana Shākha of the RgVed is about to go extinct. Only 2 elderly achāryas are knowledgeable about it, and the younger generation is almost unaware of its existence. When the young men of Vaidika Bhārat found out about it, not only did they try to revive it, but have also started the digitization process of rare manuscripts that would allow the survival of this shākha.